“Wir schauen in unseren Körper” animated video from KET


Why do we have bones? What do they do? What are they called? This German animated video shows how bones are important to everyday tasks and movements. The spine, rib cage, tibia, femur and skull are shown within a body shape. Various parts of the body are featured.

  • https://mpt.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/german_animation5/wir-schauen-in-unseren-korper-abenteuer/
  • Wir schauen in unseren Körper | Abenteuer downloaded from PBS LearningMedia, https://www.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/german_animation5/wir-schauen-in-unseren-korper-abenteuer/. Rights to use this asset do not expire.
  • Asset Copyright: KET 2017