“Deutsche Wirtschaft” YouTube Playlist (50 videos) from Deutsche Welle

Source: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs7zUO7VPyJ6OoBNiKEClbkqO8IPA0LFj
Description: This is a YouTube playlist of 50 videos from Deutsche Welle on the topic of “Deutsche Wirtschaft”
These videos are part of the video thema resource ( https://www.dw.com/de/deutsch-lernen/video-thema/s-12165 ) on Deutsche Welle. On their website, they include teaching/learning materials for use online or to download.

Hover over video and click three horizontal lines with small triangle icon to browse full playlist. You can play from here and still use fullscreen and other controls, or click the video title or link to the left to open in YouTube in new tab.